
Kim Williams – Announced as Chairman of the ABC

The Guardian | January 24,2024 | Alan Sunderland Kim Williams is more than just a former Murdoch boss, but his new role does not make it his ABC. The public broadcaster is under siege. Williams must focus on bringing staff and management together again The ABC has a new chairman in Kim Williams and once again across the media landscape the hares are running. You can take your pick: he’s a former Murdoch [...]

2024-01-24T21:50:16+10:302024-01-24|About the ABC, Public Media|

Inside the overhaul at the ABC

The Saturday Paper   December 23, 2023 | Scott Mitchell Six months into a landmark restructure, with more staff leaving and show cancellations mounting, there are increasing doubts over whether the ABC’sstrategy to secure its future with a younger audience can succeed. The national broadcaster’s internal ructions found strong public resonance this month with the axing of The Drum. For some viewers lamenting the demise of the current affairs panel [...]

2023-12-23T16:12:58+10:302023-12-23|About the ABC, Digital Media|

ABC News and The Drum

ABC statement December 12,2023 The ABC has today announced proposed changes that will focus ABC NEWS Channel on its core roles of continuous news, breaking news and news video production, geared to service strong demand from digital audiences, and also expand the role of the Asia Pacific Newsroom as the home of specialist coverage on our region.    As part of these changes, ABC TV program The Drum will not be [...]


Speech by David Anderson MD of The ABC

Following are the concluding remarks of a speech given by the Managing Director of the ABC, David Anderson, on 17 November 2023 at The Annual Dinner of ABC Friends, Victoria.       Link to the full speech "So we look to the future with confidence. An ABC that is the most trusted media source in the country, an institution that promotes good citizenship, fortifies our democracy and contributes to [...]


Australians demand Independent ABC Board

70% Australians Demand Independent Selection for ABC Board Australia Institute The survey was taken between 29 August and 1 September 2023, with nationally representative samples by gender, age group and state/territory. A further 406 South Australians and 127 Queenslanders were sampled to produce more precise results, but weighting was used to ensure that people from these states were not over-represented in national results. Key findings: Seven in 10 [...]

2023-11-13T15:40:41+10:302023-11-13|About the ABC, Independence, Public Media|

Are Streaming services willing the battle ?

The streaming services winning the battle for attention, and the feature Australians want. SBS web site  Source: AAP / Jenny Kane/AP It's not subscription platforms like Netflix that Australians are spending the most time watching, according to a new report, which also revealed they want a feature that would make finding content easier. Australians are steadily reducing streaming services subscriptions amid cost of living pressures, a new report has [...]

2023-11-12T18:25:58+10:302023-11-12|Digital Media, Solial Media|

Digital News Report

University of Canberra Digital News Report 2023 Description This report is part of a long-running international survey coordinated by the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, an international research centre in the comparative study of journalism based at Oxford University. The report delivers comparative data on media usage in 46 countries and across 6 continents. There is good news for the industry this year. The number of people paying [...]

2023-10-24T15:36:26+10:302023-10-24|Digital Media, Public Media, Solial Media|

Freedom of press barons

PEARLS AND IRRITATIONS -John Menadue's Public Policy Journal Geoff Davis September 23, 2023 The ‘disinformation’ (read: lies and bullshit) being propagated about the indigenous Voice to Parliament by the Murdoch media, among others, harms our society. It promotes division, celebrates and cultivates ignorance and bigotry, oppresses a minority and diminishes us all. Why do we tolerate such behaviour?   Such News Corp behaviour has become normal. Any person or any [...]

2023-09-24T13:54:57+09:302023-09-24|Public Media|

ABC Emergency Services

ABC Press Release  September 18,2023 The ABC is helping prepare communities for an increase in fire and weather activity during the spring and summer months with an emergency information campaign across radio, online and social media. The campaign coincides with Red Cross Emergency Ready Week which runs from 18 – 24 September. With above average temperatures forecast in the coming months, the ABC campaign provides important information on how [...]

2023-09-20T10:22:50+09:302023-09-20|About the ABC|
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