Five Year Strategy

In June 2023 The ABC released it’s five year plan reflecting a strong focus on digital platforms.

Below is the content of their Strategy-on- a-Page document.

In reading this please remember that ABC Friends is completely independent of the ABC and had no input into this strategy.


To deliver valued services that reflect and contribute to Australian society, culture and identity

The ABC derives its purpose from its Charter. The ABC was created to serve all Australians through media services that inform and entertain, providing content and services that:

  • Reflect the cultural diversity of the Australian community.
  • Contribute to a sense of national identity.
  • Deliver independent news services and content of an educational nature.
  • Support and promote the musical, dramatic and other performing arts in Australia.
  • Encourage awareness of Australia in other countries and provide information to Australian citizens abroad.


We are an essential part of daily life for all Australians

The ABC will have an essential role in Australian life. We will produce content that responds to the diverse needs of audiences and make it accessible on the platforms where it will have the greatest impact. Our independent public-interest journalism will combat misinformation and strengthen democracy. We will offer entertainment that appeals to different ages and desires, whether it’s to laugh, relax, find comfort, or become lost in a fascinating story or topic. We will ensure Australians have trustworthy information that’s relevant and helpful to their daily lives and to the well-being of their communities.


We prioritise the trust of our audiences

We will prioritise and strengthen the trust that our audiences place in us by bolstering our independence, integrity, reliability, and transparency. We will be embedded and engaged in local communities. We will include social responsibility goals, as diversity, inclusion, and environmental sustainability in all aspects of our operations.


We deliver compelling content that builds a lifelong relationship with Australians

We will create, curate, and distribute compelling Australian content that informs and entertains audiences of all ages. Our content will be easy to find and enjoy. The ABC brand will be known for quality Australian content with wide appeal and for specialised content across different genres, topics of interest, and audience needs.

We reflect contemporary Australia

We will create content that reflects contemporary Australia. This contributes to a sense of national identity while reflecting the cultural and geographic diversity of the Australian community. We will inform, educate, and entertain audiences in ways that are relevant, relatable and inclusive for Australians with different backgrounds and interests.

We make sustainable choices in allocating resources

We will make sustainable choices in allocating resources. We will operate efficiently and align our resources to both current and future audience needs within the limits of our funding. We will always deliver value through our commitment to financial responsibility and accountability.


  1. We will engage and serve audiences on the platforms they prefer, delivering relatable high-quality content for ABC and third-party digital platforms.
  2. We will prioritise investment in outstanding digital products that achieve the highest standards for user experience.
  3. We will consolidate and rebrand some broadcast services as more of our audiences move to digital platforms.
  4. We will prioritise investment in making it easier for audiences to discover ABC content, products and services.
  5. We will be in more communities, including online, and foster national conversations across a range of perspectives and points-of-view.
  6. We will expand our use of strategic partnerships to increase effectiveness of content, services, and research and development.
  7. We will accelerate the modernisation of our business and production systems.
  8. We will invest in our people, building the capabilities we need for a digital-first ABC.
  9. We will put inclusion and diversity at the heart of everything we do.
  10. We will reduce the impact of ABC operations on the environment.

Below are button links to other five year pdf documents.