
The Conversation – Kim Williams

2024-06-23T11:05:52+09:302024-06-23|About the ABC, Digital Media, Independence, Public Media, Solial Media|

ABC chair Kim Williams calls for public broadcaster to be ‘national campfire’ and to understand its audiences better June 19, 2024 Misha Ketchell  – Editor New ABC chair KimWilliams has said the public broadcaster should become a reimagined “National Campfire”, fostering a stronger sense of community togetherness and conversation in a world increasingly fragmented by social media. Williams also said the ABC must understand its audiences better and warned [...]

ABC Chair ‘areas for improvement’

2024-06-20T13:35:38+09:302024-06-20|About the ABC, Digital Media, Independence, Public Media, Solial Media|

The Guardian | Amanda Meade | June 19,2024ABC has ‘areas for improvement’ but can be force for ‘togetherness’, broadcaster’s chair says In wide-ranging speech, Kim Williams says digital age has led to ‘fragmentation’ at the ABC and warns against ‘insidious and dangerous’ ideas of censorship ABC chair Kim Williams has outlined his vision for the ABC as a cultural force for national cohesion in the face of threats from the [...]

The ABC of craven capitulation

2024-06-04T13:42:50+09:302024-06-04|About the ABC, Independence, Public Media, Solial Media| The Shot | By Jo Dyer June 3, 2024 It’s ironic that the Sydney Writers’ Festival event at which Laura Tingle made what has become a bizarrely infamous comment about the pervasive racism of Australian society was a live version of the Insiders we used to have when we used to have nice things on the ABC. Back when David Speers was safely sequestered as one of the saner [...]

Laura Tingle’s statement

2024-06-02T13:20:25+09:302024-06-02|About the ABC, Independence, Public Media|

ABC Posted 29 May, 2024 Statement by Laura Tingle, 7.30 Chief Political Correspondent For much of the past two weeks, the political debate has focused not on the federal Budget but on the Leader of the Opposition's budget reply in which he pledged to cut migration to deal with the housing crisis. I have written and broadcast on this decision and its implications on ABC platforms numerous times since then. [...]

Laura Tingle’s ‘counselling’, – ABC risks giving the bullies a victory

2024-06-02T13:25:26+09:302024-06-02|About the ABC, Independence, Public Media|

The Guardian | Margaret Simons | Saturday June 1, 2024 In publicising Laura Tingle’s ‘counselling’, the ABC risks giving the bullies a victory. No matter what the national broadcaster does, News Corp and the Australian will keep gnawing at it There are a few things we can assume the ABC board and executive know only too well. First, News Corporation, and the Australian newspaper in particular, will always attack the ABC. [...]

Truthful, not neutral:

2024-03-31T16:55:47+10:302024-03-31|About the ABC, Independence, Public Media|

Crikey | Alexandra Wake | March 26, 2024 Why the ABC’s ‘impartiality’ warning isn’t the full story. The ABC’s chair Kim Williams has come out firing in his first week in the role, telling journalists they must acknowledge the broadcaster’s statutory requirement to be impartial or walk out the door. Often, it’s not that simple. It’s always been one of the most difficult things to teach young people, but if they want [...]

Australians demand Independent ABC Board

2023-11-13T15:40:41+10:302023-11-13|About the ABC, Independence, Public Media|

70% Australians Demand Independent Selection for ABC Board Australia Institute The survey was taken between 29 August and 1 September 2023, with nationally representative samples by gender, age group and state/territory. A further 406 South Australians and 127 Queenslanders were sampled to produce more precise results, but weighting was used to ensure that people from these states were not over-represented in national results. Key findings: Seven in 10 [...]

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