Keeping the Faith

Why you should support the ABC

“Between 2014 and 2022 the ABC’s funding was cut, heavily. More than $520 million was stripped from its operating budget. Add the closure of the Australia Network and the total is more than $780 million. More than 1,000 jobs have been lost. Only a small share of the cuts has been restored”. (Submission by ABC Friends to the 2024-2025 federal budget process)

ABC Friends must keep faith and remain active for a strong and independent ABC because it remains chronically underfunded while its role is more important than ever.

There are tidal waves of misinformation and disinformation facilitated by social media. (Keep in mind the antics of Donald Trump and what happened in Australia leading up to the voice referendum).

The ABC is one of Australia’s great treasures. It has a long history of providing programs that inform, educate, and enrich us culturally.

It holds a special place for all Australians but years of intimidation and hostility have taken a toll.

Commercial media would like to see the demise of independent broadcasters providing free, unbiased content without commercial breaks or product placement.

Demands on ABC resources have never been greater.

This is a difficult time for the ABC as it strives to maintain high quality programming for its traditional audience while at the same time appealing to the next generations.

Coupled with this are the demands of a technical transition enabling it to become fully engaged in the digital media environment while maintaining its traditional radio and television channels for its long-standing and loyal audience.

Charter of the ABC

We must remind ourselves of the original Charter of the ABC described in the Australian Broadcasting Corporation Act 1983. This can be seen here:

Who else is going to provide what is described here!

It is as critical as it has ever been to demonstrate support for the ABC.

Only with a large number of members and supporters will ABC Friends have the ability to influence and advocate effectively on the key issues of adequate funding and maintaining the ABCs independence from government and commercial interests.

Joining ABC Friends is one way to make a significant contribution to the welfare of our nation by ensuring our democracy is enhanced by the work and independence of the ABC.


This material is drawn from a number of sources within the circle of ABC Friends.

Hopefully they are adequately acknowledged below.

ABC Friends Victoria | Professor Ed Davis AM |ABC Friends Update magazine|Cassandra Parkinson