ABC Press Release  September 18,2023

The ABC is helping prepare communities for an increase in fire and weather activity during the spring and summer months with an emergency information campaign across radio, online and social media.

The campaign coincides with Red Cross Emergency Ready Week which runs from 18 – 24 September.

With above average temperatures forecast in the coming months, the ABC campaign provides important information on how to prepare for an extreme weather event.

Audiences will be reminded of the ABC’s role as an emergency broadcaster and the support it provides to affected communities.

This includes the ABC Emergency website, which has important information including:

  • How to prepare for bushfires, floods, storms, cyclones and heatwaves.
  • Easy to follow guides on packing an emergency survival kit and safeguarding your home.
  • A link to set your local ABC Radio station in ABC Listen and find your nearest radio frequency.
  • An interactive incident map aggregating information from key emergency and support services, including rural and regional fire services, state emergency services and the Bureau of Meteorology. This allows users to check emergency events in their area as well as in other locations around the country.

The Bureau of Meteorology predicts higher chances of above average temperatures and below average rainfall for almost the entire country over the coming months.

ABC Director News Justin Stevens said people should start their preparations today.

“Visit the ABC Emergency website today to prepare your emergency plan so you know what to do, where to go and who to contact when extreme weather strikes,” he said

“Know your local ABC Radio station and rest assured that the ABC will be here for you in an emergency.”

The ABC recently expanded its EB team, which now operates 365 days a year and has members based around the country. Every summer the team expands to meet the increased demand and this year we have the biggest team ever.

Emergency broadcasting generally begins when there is a threat to life or property.

The ABC is also in discussions with our partners for fire mitigation strategies around transmission towers and is investing in portable satellite terminals for news crews to ensure audiences can be kept updated in the event of infrastructure damage.

For more information:

Alice Hagglund, ABC Communications