An AGM with a difference

Planned for participation, enjoyment and information.

When & Where

Goodwood Community Centre, 32 Rosa Street, Goodwood.

Sunday August 25, 2024 Time 2.00pm

How to get there:  Tram stop from city 3 Plenty of parking adjacent.

Here’s how the day is planned

AGM of 15 to 20 minutes

Chairman: Daryl Regan

  1. Welcome to country
  2. Apologies
  3. Minutes of 2023 AGM
  4. Acceptance of minutes
  5. Business arising from minutes
  6. Reports for year ending June 30, 2024
  • Presidents report – Daryl Regan
  • Secretary – Judy Gonda
  • Treasurer – Peter Vandeleur
  • Membership Officer

Election of Office bearers

Returning officer Tom Gonda

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Membership Officer

Applications for all positions are encouraged.

Nominations for positions to:

Nominations may also be put forward at the meeting

Next AGM – August 2025

Commencement of Forum

Revised Operating Structure

  • Organisation
  • Operating Plan


  • Web site / e-news / annual printed document
  • Present all our promotional materials
  • Advisory Group- describe what it is – request expressions of interest

Guest Speakers

Guest speaker: Peter Goers.  Actor, director, reviewer, former academic and host of the ABC Local Radio program

Dr Victoria Fielding: University of Adelaide | Lecturer, Strategic Communication | Department of Media, School of Humanities | Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics 

Q & A

Members and supporters may ask questions of the executive  and the guest speakers

Afternoon tea

Afternoon tea/ coffee will be provided (Portuguese Tarts – mini size) ?.

How you can help

Bring a friend – encourage membership

Do you have a particular skill, experience or contacts which could be helpful to expand our engagement and audience, including with youth and social media?

Join the Advisory Group

RSVP as soon as possible so we may organise catering

About Peter Goers

Peter Goers is an actor, director, reviewer, former academic and host of the ABC Local Radio program, The Evening Show, which broadcasts throughout  South Australia and into New South Wales. His career has spanned over 35 years in the entertainment industry, across a range of different mediums including television and theatre. Once a feared arts critic, Peter describes himself as a reformed social irritant. As a columnist for Adelaide’s Sunday Mail and a radio announcer he has won himself a dedicated audience. Peter has lent his prominent public profile to volunteer for various community organisations across South Australia. Peter is patron of six arts and community organisations, ambassador for numerous charities and the Port Adelaide Football Club. Attending more than 120 community events in the past year, he has taken on a range of responsibilities from public speaking, mentoring and committee work, to assist in raising awareness of local programs and events. His commitment is notable with almost all of his spare time spent supporting these community, artistic and cultural groups in achieving their goals. It is a contribution he prefers to think of as “a rare privilege”.

Dr Victoria Fielding
Lecturer, Strategic Communication | Department of Media, School of Humanities | Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics THE UNIVERSITY OF ADELAIDE

“The ABC produces journalism vital for Australian democracy, particularly in a disrupted media environment where the crisis of disinformation is undermining society’s access to trustworthy, credible information. The ABC’s vital role, however, is being undermined by external threats and pressure which degrade trust in the ABC and threaten ABC journalists’ ability to speak truth to power. In my presentation, I will discuss why it is important to support and properly fund the ABC to ensure it continues to produce quality journalism, but also why we should be helping to defend ABC against the threats which work to undermine its centrality to Australian democracy.” Victoria Fielding July 03, 2024

To make the day enjoyable.

Please let us know if you are coming (so we can order the portuguese tarts) !

RSVP: Daryl Regan   email: