ABC Friends is a non-partisan not-for-profit volunteer organisation.

Our Vision

To ensure that the ABC remains a fearless independent media organisation and public broadcaster valued by all Australians and fully supported by Government.

Our mission

To represent the community interest in defending and promoting the vital role of the ABC as a national public media organisation that:

  • is essential for a healthy democracy
  • is independent of government influence, commercial sponsorship and advertising
  • is accountable to the public
  • offers distinctive, high quality programs and services
  • promotes Australian culture in all its diversity
  • is accessible and relevant to all Australians
  • continues to develop its vital role as an emergency broadcaster
  • resumes its role as Australia’s trusted voice in the Pacific region

How we work

  • We influence government policies on the ABC and ensure that it is fully funded to fulfil its role as Australia’s national public media organisation as set out in the ABC Charter.
  • We campaign to persuade the public and political candidates of the importance of the ABC.
  • We inform the Australian public about issues affecting the ABC and public media.
  • We conduct research into emerging issues in public media and to better understand the environment in which the ABC operates.
  • We partner with like-minded organisations to conduct research, campaign, and communicate with the public.
  • We collaborate with, support and coordinate the work of the state and territory divisions of ABC Friends.
  • We are non-partisan.

ABC Friends a registered charity